Day 7
Aug. 9th, 2010
What is Folk Art?
Good Morning! I apologize for not posting yesterday...I woke up feeling VERY under the weather and well....lets just say it progressed from there...But I'm feeling much better this morning...
What I failed to mention on Saturday was that in Barbara McCall's book, Saturdays and Sundays are a workshop option....very cool. She also gave instructions to make some wonderful folk art could even make jewelry using this technique, that's what I plan to do. She also gives some great ideas for folk art pieces on the "Make Your Own Folk Art" portion of the page (pages 14-15).
I shared with you on Saturday some of my folk art projects....In her book, Barbara speaks of the importance of keeping some of your art/craft projects for yourself, (it's okay, really, it's not selfish and you really don't have to give everything away), I challenge each of you to create something for yourself...whether it's writing a short story, making a piece of jewelry, or maybe a new journal to, journal in...make something for your home or maybe really stand back and admire the beautiful flowers you've just arranged in you grandmother's antique vase...admire the vase even.
Barbara talks about how your own work can inspire you AND remind you just how creative you are....I never really had thought of that until I read it in her book...and I agree.
It is important to keep things around us that inspire our creativity whatever that may be, our own art definitely, works of other artists, it project books, or just a really good read like, say....mmmm...."Eat, Pray, Love" (that book does it for me)...or whatever works for you.
I have shells....lots and lots of shells I collected with my children over the years, from the different places we've lived, I even have shells and "Sand Dollars" from when I was a little girl....In my car I keep a handful of shells in a compartment where I can see them, exposed....these are shells that my grandchildren and I pick up when we walk along the beach, there are some that my youngest and I collected as well...maybe that's extreme for some....but for me they are comforting and inspiring....they bring me peace.
Well that's all for now...I'll be back this evening to Blog about todays topic..."Personalizing a Journal"....I Love Journals, don't you?
Blessings & Joy,
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