Hey Kids!
Longtime no hear from right....I know I missed Ya! Thank you for all the wonderful emails!
First things first...my sad little contest...Wow! Was that a learning experience....lol...
There was a winner and some confusion courtesy of Moi. I started getting emails because people were not able to post on my blog...my blog is set so every post must be approved because of the random crazies out there...it happened to a friend of mine but that's a story for another time....anywwwwho, as it turned out there was an actually...problem...with posting on my blog...which I didn't discover until well after the contest...so I got LOTS of emails.
I went with the first email I received as the winner...it was a young lady in Chicago, Ill. and she asked if I had a certain one in pink...I did not...so I made her one.
Then I had to answer all the other emails to say there had been a winner...a couple people, okay 2, didn't believe me...at this point I just wanted to put the contest drama behind me.
...ya win some ....ya lose some...
Soon after I got an email from another blogger who was trying to win but found my contest too late...but she had a 100 questions...this made me pause...and...think....hhhhmmmmmm. So, since she seemed to be an experienced blogger, I asked her 100 questions. She was a BIG help...
Apparently she doesn't have a blog "per say", but she likes to look for contests on blogs. Well, I could not believe my good fortune, what with her being a professional Blog Contest Finder and all...
She was very kind and PATIENT with me....so I made and sent her a Sugar Skull facinator for all her help.
This is what she taught me and I'm calling it...Contest Presentation 101...yep:
- Inform fellow bloggers PRIOR to actually starting the contest, especially if you are new to blogging (that would be me), about the up and coming contest...
- Give a starting and ending date of the contest.
- Give blog updates about the contest.
- Give additional information, such as..."Contests posts will be reviewed and then posted to blog daily."
- and last but not least.....Let people know, (via the blog), when the contest has ended, yea.
So, I plan to have another contest at the beginning of February, for Valentine's Day....but I will post again about this after the New Year...The New Year! Can you Believe it?
I'll be posting later tonight, kinda give an update about what's been going on and where in the HECK have I been?
So Stay Tuned!
Blessing, Joy and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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